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Operator Block

Tink Logic provides blocks for Comparison, Logical, and Mathematical operations. Operations on values become easier with Operator blocks. Here is a list of Operator blocks.

  • Comparison operator compares two values that are equal or not equal. If values are not equal, it checks if one value is greater than or less than the other value. This is a Boolean block that results in a true or false value.

Logic Operator

  • Mathematical operator performs mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on two values.

Logic Operator

  • Invert block inverts a value. If the value is true, it becomes false, and vice versa.

Logic Operator

  • Logical operator performs AND/OR operation on two values. It can also generate a random number between two values.

Logic Operator

  • Trigonometric operator carries out trigonometric functions like calculating cos, tan, square root, absolute value, and modulus of a number. It also does the rounding of a number.

Logic Operator

  • Text operator operates on Text values. It checks if a text value contains another text value. It also joins two text values. E.g. A Join B produces AB. It gets a Text character at a given position in a longer text value Logic Operator

    • Length operator returns the number of characters in a String or number of items in a List.

Logic Operator

  • JSON operator performs GET / SET operations on a JSON string. In the GET operation, this block accepts a JSONPointer string and allows you to access the data that matches. In the SET operation, it accepts a JSONPointer string and a value. It will replace the data matching the pointer or a create new one if it doesn't exist. It does not modify the original object. But it returns the modified copy.

Logic Operator