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API Rate Limits

API Rate Limits refer to the number of API requests a user can make to the Server within a given period. The Rate Limits vary as per the subscribed plans and the type of requests.

If the API Rate Limit gets exceeded, then check for the standard 429 status code and HTTP header beginning with X-Hypi-


x-hypi-apirequest-rate-limit-remaining: 18
x-hypi-apirequest-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 0
x-hypi-file-rate-limit-remaining: 50000000
x-hypi-file-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 0
x-hypi-networkin-rate-limit-remaining: 252349763
x-hypi-networkin-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 0
x-hypi-networkout-rate-limit-remaining: 243087069
x-hypi-networkout-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 2666416
x-hypi-row-rate-limit-remaining: 999266
x-hypi-row-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 2666416532000000
x-hypi-serverless-rate-limit-remaining: 3600000
x-hypi-serverless-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: 0

Let's check the terminologies being used in the above response.

  • retry-after-seconds: The number of seconds before you can retry the request
  • remaining: Remaining amount from the request Rate Limit

The Rate Limit is applicable for the following parameters or type of requests:

  1. apirequest: The number of API requests users can send to a single instance within a month or 31 days.
  2. requestsPerSecond: The number of requests that can be sent within 1 second.
  3. row: The number of records that can be upserted across all data types within a single instance. If you exceed this limit, you may delete old records and upsert new records.
  4. file: The number of bytes of data that can be uploaded using the files within a single instance.
  5. networkin: The amount of data that can be sent through a single request. For a query, the incoming data towards the server may be in a few bytes. While uploading a file, this amount will include the size of the file.
  6. networkout : The amount of data that can be retrieved from a single response to a particular request.
  7. serverless: Execution time of the serverless functions. The time spent executing a serverless function gets recorded. If the time limit exceeds, then the user gets an error with a 429 status code.

For current pricing and rate limits for the above parameters, see