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While designing an application, it is important to know the details or background of the end-users. Hypi Tink saves this information. It also helps to gain insights in to the personality of an end-user. These insights would help you to design the functionalities of the application.

Let's check what kind of end-user information you can save.

  • Name and Persona Type
  • Age
  • Highest degree or level of school
  • Industry they work in
  • Size of their Organization
  • Job Responsibilities
  • Tools needed for the job
  • Challenges faced by them
  1. To add Persona details click on the New button on the Stories board. StoriesUser

  2. Persona Details Dialogue box would appear. Enter the User information and save the data. Persona type refers to the role that the end-user would play while using the application. Other details are self-explanatory.


  3. When you save the information, the user would get added to the Stories board.


  4. Click on the added user and then click on PROFILE to review the entered background information.


  5. Click on +Edit or Profile to edit the information.


  6. You can change the Status of the User details. (On Hold, In Progress, Needs Review, Approved, Completed)


  7. You can delete the added User as well by clicking the delete icon.
