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2 posts tagged with "reviews"

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· 11 min read

One of the trendiest solutions in IT today is serverless computing, which has gained a lot of attention from industry professionals and experts, both in the academic and professional worlds.

With a focus on application rather than infrastructure, this new architecture transforms IT production modes, representing a real revolution, especially with regard to service scalability and cost savings.

But what is serverless, how does this strategy work and what are the benefits of using it in companies? Continue reading this article and understand!

· 8 min read

 Kubernetes is an open-source platform that adds automation to containerization processes.This way you can eliminate most of the operations considered manual when building the online infrastructure, as well as staggering the applications in their containers.

In short, if you want to cluster hosts deployed in containers into clusters, Kubernetes will deliver tools for simpler management, making it easy to orchestrate them. Even though clusters are hosted on different cloud types(public, private, and hybrid), Kubernetes helps host native cloud applications.Controlling complex processes in cloud computing environments can be challenging.