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Stories Board

User Stories capture end-user perspectives of using an Application.

On Hypi Tink, you can form User Stories using the Stories board!

A user may come from various backgrounds. While thinking about how a user would use your app, it is important to jot down his/her background.

Hypi Tink stores crucial background information.

A user may take certain actions while handling the application and each action will have certain outcomes. For example, if a doctor searches a patient's history on a Patient Information System, the outcome can be the retrieval of required details.

You can document actions and possible outcomes through a flow diagram.

What is the use of documenting User Stories through a flow diagram?

This helps to collate requirement specifications.

**You get a larger picture of how your App would function! **

Once user stories are in place, the next step would be designing data models or schema. User stories would give you an insight into the kind of data you would need to store.

Create the tables with different fields in connection to the User Stories.

You can save the data on Hypi's low code backend. Or you can have your own database with APIs to save the data.

Check out the below links to know how to use the Stories board and insert Data tables.