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Authorisation is the process of specifying access/ rights/ privileges to various resources. It provides information security and computer security to systems. Of course, we can control the access to users as well. The authorisation process decides whether access should be given or denied.

Authorisation differs from Authentication. Authentication verifies the identity of a user. In authorisation, a user or an application gets permission to access a resource. The AccessRight object can control access by specifying the resource and the actions allowed on it.

Classic authorisation models consist of a triple; a subject, an object, and an action. Hypi adopts this triple with few enhancements.

Hypi's authorisation model is similar to User Managed Access Control /UMA. But it is not a compliant implementation of the same.

Check out the concepts involved in the authorisation.


A subject is an entity trying to perform an action like query or mutation or gain access to a resource.


An object or a resource is the thing being protected. In Hypi, two primary things can be protected.

  • Resource - any object that exists on the Hypi platform
  • Scope - Any GraphQL field of any type OR any arbitrary Uniform Resource Identifier

Hypi's Authorisation System

By default, permission is denied to everything and everyone. When a user registers on the platform, default permissions are granted to him.

Access Rights can be granted by the system-admin Account to the users of an instance or domain. A user can also grant other users access to his own data in the same AppInstance.

Rights include permission to view or modify a resource/data. The rights are based upon various operations the subject wants to perform on the object.

Mutation rights may be granted to the subject. It includes update, delete, trash, link, and unlink permissions. All of these functions operate on existing resources. AccessRight object generates an authorisation request for mutations.

Searching for resources

The platform uses ArcQL query language for finding data. All requests to get data, no matter how trivial the query, goes through ArcQL. During a search, resources that match are further filtered down to only those that the subject is allowed to see. So, only certain types of records a subject can access through a query. For example, a password is a resource that is not accessible to any subject except the user.

Implicit Access Rights

If no Access Right is given explicitly, the platform acts as if one is implicitly created for the Account which created the object. So, the creator of an object has complete access to all its resources by default - no one else does.


AccessRight encapsulates the object involved in the authorisation.

type AccessRight {
resource: String!
resourceType: String!
fields: String
operationType: String!
operation: String!
startDate: DateTime
endDate: DateTime
permissionType: AccessRightType!
approved: Boolean
membersSourceType: String
membersSourceField: String
members: [Account!]

Let's check the parameters.

membersAccountThe of the Accounts to grant access rights to. This is an array with hypi.ids of the Accounts.
membersSourceTypeStringIf specified, this data type holds the list of members that the access right applies to.
membersSourceFieldStringA field in the membersSourceType data type. The field consists of an array of Account objects that this AccessRight applies to.
membersSourceIdStringThe of the object of membersSourceType. The object has the list of Accounts to grant access rights to.
approvedBoolSet true to grant the access. Set false to deny the access
permissionTypeAccessRightTypeSet to RBP for resource based permission SBP for scope based permission
startDateStringStart date for access rights grant (Optional)
endDateDateTimeEnd date for access rights grant (Optional)
operationTypeOpTypeQuery, Mutation, or Subscription
operationStringOperation or method associated with operationType e.g. find or get for Query type and upsert, delete for Mutation type
resourceTypeStringThe type of an object that the access right gets applied to. This field is required only if permissionType is RBP.
resourceStringThe of the resource to provide the grant. This field is required only if permissionType is RBP.
resourceOwnerIdStringThis field determines which account's resource AccessRight gives access to. If the user CREATING the AccessRight is NOT a system admin, then this is automatically set to the account ID of the user making the request. If the user is a system admin, then the system admin can set this to any user's account ID.

operation, operationType , resource , resourceType fields support wild card (*)

Resource Based Permission (RBP)

Resource based permision (RBP) is an access right that protects data in a resource.

The below example demonstrates how to create an Access Right for a resource. It creates an access to a user account to execute get query for the object of type Book.

mutation {
values: {
AccessRight: [
resource: "01FX0GXS7DCAQ6RV2R0ZAYTW34"
resourceType: "Book"
operationType: "Query"
operation: "get"
permissionType: RBP
approved: true
members: { hypi: { id: "01FX0GS3N002781PK421EETAT8" } }
) {
  • After successfully granting the Access Right, member user can see/retrieve data from the Book object. ( of the Book object is given in the resource field).
  • You can provide access to multiple users by providing s of the users in the members field.
  • You can use wild card * to provide acces to all users. Use { hypi: { id: "*" } } in the members field to provide access to all users.
  • If you use * in the resource field, it means that access has been granted to all the objects of the Book type that are owned by the user creating the AccessRight. That is to say, a wildcard on a resource can grant access to all my resources but not to the resources of other users.
  • If multiple AccessRight objects are created, they must all evaluate as true and if at least one evaluates to false, then access will be denied.

To test if the AccessRight is working, login the member user. A new Authorization Token will get generated. Using the new token, retrieve the data from the resource using the get query.

Scope Based Permission (SBP)

Scope Based permission(SBP) is an access right that protects a method e.g. Query.find. When you create a SBP, the resource Id is ignored.

The below example creates Scope Based Permission to a user account to execute upsert mutation on Book objects. It means user can create or update objects of Book type.

mutation {
values: {
AccessRight: [
operationType: "Mutation"
operation: "upsert"
permissionType: SBP
approved: true
members: { hypi: { id: "01FVWJQQN0WW87S5AZZ2RZMYHE" } }
) {

Only a system admin can create scope based permissions. By default, the user that created the Hypi instance is the only system admin.

Add members using membersSourceId

Instead of using the members field, you can add members to the AccessRight object using membersSourceId.

  • Create a new data type (with any name) and add any field with the [Account!] type. The data type could be an already existing one.
type Team {
# ... other fields
colleagues: [Account!]
# ... other fields
  • Add members to the Team type using upsert. membersSourceId is the of the created Team object.
mutation {
values: {
Team: [
colleagues: [
{ hypi: { id: "01G6QCNETWAZ33X6877ZW81MFC" } }
{ hypi: { id: "01G6QCP8D2E2XJMBD4CVQJ3CQ3" } }
) {
  • Create an access right using membersSourceId, membersSourceType, and membersSourceField.
mutation {
values: {
AccessRight: [
resource: "01G6QD42MPA3HDQG5H866W64PQ"
resourceType: "Book"
operationType: "Query"
operation: "get"
permissionType: RBP
approved: true
membersSourceType: "Team",
membersSourceField: "colleagues"
membersSourceId: "01G6QD0ZKSZXPX31W0XT1JG1EJ"
) {

An access right will be automatically granted to membersSourceField Account members. If you add a new member to this field, the member account will also get instantaneous access to the resource.

  • To add new colleagues to the Tam, you can link the membersSourceType with member Accounts using the link function.
mutation {
from: Team
to: Account
via: "colleagues"
whereFromID: "01G6QD0ZKSZXPX31W0XT1JG1EJ"

Please note that for the above option to work properly, the user performing the should be the system admin or member of an AccessRight allowing him to link to the other account.

Check Access Rights

You may check if the user has permission to access an object's details. Use get or find function to get details of AccessRight object.

get(type: AccessRight, id: "01FVWTKBBZ21JYDPXJHA7H5SVY") {
... on AccessRight {
members {
hypi {

Delete Access Rights

System admin can remove all the access rights. Some cases do not require the default permissions. Hence, the system admin must first create the access right he needs (MUST do this first or he'll lose access) and then delete the old access rights he doesn't need.

mutation {
delete(type: AccessRight, arcql: " = '01F2X8203XKRFR7G62T6SP1MW4'",

Delete the Access Rights granted to other users one by one. Don't remove all the Access Rights using wildcard (*).