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Magic Hypi Object

We like simple and automated things in the world of programming. One such thing is Magic Hypi Object. You will not create it and still, you will get it. That’s why it’s a magic object! It automatically gets attached to every data type. It allows the programmer to do pretty powerful things.

Let’s take an example.

We have the following data type.

type Author {
name: String
age: Int
count: Int
booklist: [String!]

The above data type stores information of an author. The data fields are name, age, book count, and list of books, etc. Insert this data in the form of a table. A hypi object gets added to it automatically.

type Author {
hypi: Hypi
name: String
age: Int
count: Int
booklist: [String!]

Let’s look at its structure.

type Hypi {

Available fields

FieldData TypeDescription
idStringUnique identification (ID) of a data type
implStringName of the implementation of an interface
trashedDateTimeThe date on which the object was marked as trashed.
updatedDateTimeThe last date when the object was updated.
createdDateTimeThe date when the object was created.
createdByStringThe ID of the User Account which created the object.
instanceIdStringThe ID of the app instance which created and owns the object

Hypi updates some of the fields automatically like trashed, updated, created,createdBy.

A field like id may get generated automatically. But you may set it as well. impl field value has to be set. Let’s look at these two fields in detail.


id: => Specify the value of this field during mutation. Otherwise, Hypi will generate a unique ID number automatically. It is a mandatory field during ‘upsert’ (update) to locate the object to be updated. Specify it in the ArcQL query to find objects by ID. Check CRUD operations to understand the utilization of an id.

You may generate your own as well. Hypi uses ULid IDs for generation. ULid IDs are sortable and as unique as UUIDs.


impl: => An app may consist of various interfaces. The ‘impl’ field stores value of the name of the implementation of an interface. Let’s say you have social media interfaces like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. The ‘impl’ field should be set to “Twitter” to use the ‘Twitter’ interface. Hypi cannot automatically decide the implementation of an interface on which you intend to perform a mutation. If you do not provide the ‘impl’ value, the mutation will fail.